Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV.
A Millennium Lost Stefan Schemahorn noticed something wrong when listening to Episode 1007. In the intro, Leo gave the date as January 19th, 1010. A century lost? No, it's an entire millennium lost.
Search and Replace, Undo, Reboot Leo wishes that he could do a Command-Z for his mistakes in life, or a Search and Replace, or as the chatroom suggests, Ctril-Alt-Del.
Technology Minute Listeners have found new ways of contacting Leo - on Dick's Facebook Wall. College student Travis McGough has been writing a technology column called "Technology Minute" for a local newspaper called the Tri-County Gazette, and is thinking of renaming it "This Month in Technology". He wonders if Leo has copyrighted "This Month In".
Ough Leo has fun with all the possible (and some impossible) pronunciations of "ough" - which Leo mistakenly calls a "diphthong". The word "tetragraph" is probably what he wants.
This Week In Leo thinks TWiT owes its name to Mel Allen's "This Week In Baseball".
Mama Laporte Mama Laporte may have got hooked on appearing on TWiT (see Episode 1002), as she keeps calling Le Le during his shows. Dick is still getting letters asking him to replace her for Leo, most of which are signed Mary L.
Pingo MyDeskFriend Leo has got a new addition to his penguin collection - PingoMyDeskFriend, your Facebook robot companion who can read and announce your news and messages on Facebook and from elsewhere via RSS, and responds to your voice commands.
Pingo - MyDeskFriend
Leo hasn't had enough time to get it to work properly and is thinking of giving it to Mama Laporte for her to sort out.
A Christmas Card for Ludwik Ludwik Trammer has just recently got a Christams card from TWiT. Not bad, considering that last year, Dick's Ultimate Ludwik Package (also posted in December) didn't reach him in Poland until Valentine's Day (see Episode 773).
DGW Gadget Costs Ludwik also asks if Dick could put him in touch with Slightly Obsessed (see Episodes 1008 and 1012), to put in the latter's data into his search at GizWizSearch, new features of which are slowly coming together.
Hawaii Chair for Leo Chris Slowinski adores the Daily Giz Wiz. He used to listen to a variety of radio programmes on CBC where guests just had a good laugh. Dick and Leo, with their special chemistry, are just like that, and it doesn't really matter what gadget they are talking about.
Chris has also suggested a gadget for Leo's core - the Hawaii Chair.Ellen DeGeneres has already tried it.
Pocket Radar and Tuning Fork Radar guns are calibrated with tuning forks labelled not with the frequency but with the calibration speed and radar band. Dick tests the Pocket Radar with one, and has fun with Leo along the way.
Live from CES - the Pocket Radar Dr Kiki went booth hopping at CES and stopped at Pocket Radar to interview one of its inventors Steve Goody. Watch the video below, clipped from TWiT Live @CES 9: Booth Hopping with Dr Kiki - Part 2. Notice the people trying out the speed radar in the background.
New Apple Tablet - The iNewton? Leo is back from the Apple Event, and has the gadget to prove it. Wait a minute, it's the Newton, complete with 2MB memory, a modem card, and a stylus! Becky Worley has suggested that Leo take the Newton to the Apple Event for the official passing of the torch.
Bridging the Space-Time Continuum Long-time listener Frank Ajzensztat, from Melbourne, Australia, who has never missed an episode of the Daily Giz Wiz, thinks that Dick and Leo have finally found a way of bridging the Space-Time Continuum. Frank was listening to Episode 1001 when Dick and Leo talked about having Mama Laporte on the Daily Giz Wiz. Lo and behold, there she was in Episode 1002! It's as if Dick and Leo could predict the future! By the way, Frank thinks Mama Laporte was fantastic.
Father and Son Team Although it's the first time a letter from Frank has been read, Frank's sonRowan Ajzensztat has written in before, back in Episode 269, who asked Dick to give Frank a shout-out. Not that anyone can expect Dick and Leo to remember that.
Dyslexic Spoonerism The slightly dyslexic Dick botched the letter-reading again today. He kept referring to the episodes numbers as 101 and 102. Earlier, he referred to Wikipedia as Widipekia. To err is human; to be a dyslexic and amnesic spooneriser is Dick - and we love him for that.
Of Mouse and Man Speaking of predicting the future, back in 1996, one Aaron Lubarsky made a short film about computers and technology, in which a very young-looking Leo made a few predictions about the future of the web, online entertainment, and the hand-held device. Pretty accurate. Dane Golden found it on YouTube in around October 2007 and told Leo about it. See Leo's blog.
Leo and Leo: Which do you prefer? Leo now or Leo from 14/15 years ago, which do you prefer? Make your choice from the video below.