Show #1902 Week of September 22nd Independent Show 376

AMAZING!! We're now in year 17 of The Giz Wiz Show!
(The first Giz Wiz Show – called The Daily Giz Wiz back then – was February 20th 2006!) If it wasn't for our loyal supporters, the Giz Wiz Show would be gone. If you'd like to support OMGchad & DickDe in our independent venture (we pay for everything ourselves, including travel) just click the Patreon link at the top of our show web page:
On this show we visit Day of Play --- New Toys & Games that will be released before the Christmas holidays!
Our first stop was Snap Circuits. Snap Circuits is a fun way to learn basic engineering, electronics and circuitry concepts. Kids use building components with snaps to assemble electronic circuits on a simple “rows-and-columns” base grid. The resulting projects function like the printed circuit board found in most electronic products. Each Snap Circuits part is easily identifiable by a different color and purpose, and each kit includes an easy-to-follow project manual. The
The Snap Circuits Green Energy kit in the photo above and in the video on this week's show has won 2022 Specialty Toy of the Year!
Snap Circuits brand has been endorsed by K-12 educators globally and used in schools, libraries, museums, afterschool and homeschool programs, STEM and Maker programs, and at home.Giz Wiz Video:
Check the latest price on Snap Circuits Green Energy
Elenco Snap Circuits Jr.
Snap Circuits Elenco My Home Plus
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