Leo gets another new cell phone!

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009, Netcast 862
It was a reviewer’s production sample, so Leo only had he Palm Pre for a week. But while using it Leo said he loved the fact that it could handle multiple applications at the same time. That was something his iPhone couldn’t do, and Leo loves to do many things at one time. (Who else can host a show while he’s all the camera switching with his hands under his desk!) He also said he thought the Sprint Network was faster than the ATT network on his iPhone. (These comments were made prior to the new iPhone s being released.) Since I don’t have a Pre, I lifted a bit more info from the Palm website! The Pre uses the Palm Synergy feature to bring your Outlook, Google, and Facebook calendars together for one logical view of your day. And if you have the same contacts in different places, Pre can link them together, making it easy to find the information. Activity cards keep multiple applications open and lets you move easily between them - email, maps, photos, websites, whatever. The Pre thinks of your applications as activity cards, and lets you flip through them, move them around, or throw them away off screen. Things like text messages and calendar appointments appear as notifications at the bottom of the screen. You'll know what's going on without being completely interrupted. There are a ton of things the Pre can do, so it’s best to check out the Palm website link below. Price $199.99. And of course that’s AFTER a $100 rebate and you’ve signed a two-year contract.
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