The Giz Wiz Show 1681, June 29 th 2018 Independent Show #164

The Giz Wiz Show recently started it's13th year or production, and it's fourth year of Independent Production! (The first show was February 20th, 2006.) That's thanks to our wonderful Patreon supporters! If it wasn't for them, the Giz Wiz Show would be gone. If you'd like to support OMGchad & DickDe in our independent venture (we pay for everything ourselves, including travel) just click the Patreon link at the top of our show web page: You can also contribute just once via the PayPal link that's there too. And thank you for doing that! Our show wouldn't exist without our viewer's support, but a bit more support would be a big help. (As we can say honestly “asking for more Patreon supporters is not to make money”, it helps us lose less money doing The Giz Wiz. Thanks!)
And now onto the show with a look at 1 more gadget from CE Week, plus 2 new gadgets from Pepcom Summer 2018 Event in NYC.
Eye-Temp is a fire prevention device designed to save lives.
The small Wi-Fi Eye-Temp device monitors temperature and time on of ANY item (stove, candle, iron, etc.) that is paired through one of their devices and connected to their mobile app. They say it's the first smart device that can monitor ANY item individually. You'll receive an alert when an item is left on for too long. This is specific to the item being monitored. When you set up Eyetemp, you will choose the type of item you are monitoring when you pair the device. If a rapid and drastic temperature change is noted, there is an alert that will be sent to notify you. This will note a potentially dangerous situation. When setting up the app you will have the option to add up to 3 emergency contacts. If you are non responsive to an alert, after a designated time period, the app will send a text notification to your emergency contacts. If you leave your residence while an item being monitored is considered in use, you will receive an alert. For example, if you leave while your stove is left on and it is being monitored by Eyetemp, you will receive an alert to remind you that the stove is in use. An optional feature is the Call Center. They will be notified after all of the emergency contacts are utilized and the problem remains. Eye-temp units are $29.99 each, and the app, iOS or Android is free.
Giz Wiz Video:
Company website:
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