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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    Entries by Inside DGW (319)


    Episode 1023

    TWiTmobile Licence Plate
    Here's a picture of the licence plate for the TWiTmobile. licence plate
    Will Cool has written in again.  In anticipation of Episode 1024, Will wants to give Dick a heads-up, that some of the geekier podcasts have taken to calling it the Kilosode.

    Scanned Cheques
    Dick doesn't want to upset sweet Frederique, but he wants Leo to let her know, that banks don't accept emailed cheques.  Leo begs to differ.  The USAA has an iPhone app for depositing cheques by sending a photo of the cheque to the bank - Deposit@Mobile.  Time for Dick to open an account there.

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    Episode 1022

    OWLE and Steadicam
    For an even more expensive alternative to the OWLE bubo, there's Tiffen's Steadicam Smoothee.

    Steadicam Smoothee
    Oy, Gevolt!
    Dr Mark Sukoenig doesn't understand what all the hubbub about the name of the iPad is about.  People don't complain about the mouse pad, the launching pad, the landing pad, or crash pad.  For those who don't like the name, Dr Mark says, "iGevolt!"

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    Episode 1021

    MacWorld Live
    Leo will be hosting MacWorld Live this Friday, a la Merv Griffin.  The line-up will include Heather Gold, Roger McGuinn, Adam Savage and Warp 11 featuring Kiki Stockhammer.  It will be streamed on TWiTLive at 2 p.m. Pacific Time.

    Thinking Alike
    Dick and Leo think that they think alike.  Whether they do or not, it's scary.

    Woot Box of Crap
    In Episode 973, Dick bought a Mystery Box of Crap from X10, and he wasn't well pleased with it.  He became even less pleased when he heard that listener Nicholas Tudor paid $3 plus $5 shipping for a Woot Box of Crap, which included a hand-held game Einstein Number Wizard, a LG bluetooth stereo headset, a digital video camera, a SanDisk Sansa Clip 8GB refurbished, two Sansa Clips 2GB refurbished, two sets of Sansa headphones, a Belkin XM radio case, the Frogger hand-held game, the Tornado and one Back To Basics Nut Roaster !!!!

    Jammerb's Words of Comfort
    jammerb, properly known as John Slanina who recently joined the staff of TWiT, is the only one left in the TWiT Cottage who still speaks to Leo.  He tells Leo that Woot does these great deals only 3 times a year: April 1, July 2, and Christmas midnight Central time.  They're very hard to get - in case we get too envious of Nichoas Tudor's catch.

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    Episode 1020

    Audible Total
    Gill heard Episode 1010 in which a listener did a website which would display the total number of Audible books.  Gill reckons that there must be an easy way to get the number, and it's by doing an empty search on Audible.  [Leo actually mentioned this method in that show.]

    Weekend Shows
    Tess (who may or may not be the same Tess who wrote in Episode 325) loves Dick's new site.  She's a big fan and starts the day with the show every week day.  Tess wonders if Dick and Leo could do the Saturday and Sunday shows as well.  No immediate plans for that, but Tess can always listen to the themes for those shows at and - thanks to listener Daniel Rodrigues Parreira who runs the websites.

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    Episode 1019

    Trackball Explorer
    Dick and Leo often wonder why manufacturers ever made a particular gadget, but probably never why they stopped making a gadget.  Brian Drake from Gallatin, Tennessee has one from the latter category, his favourite Microsoft Trackball Explorer, which still fetches very high prices on Amazon and eBay.

    Microsoft Trackball Explorer
    Brain Trainer
    Leo has several brain training games on his iPhone.  His trainer was telling him that high blood pressure may be one of the contributing causes for Alzheimer's Disease.  Maybe Leo should check his blood pressure, as he's always losing the thread.

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