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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    Entries by Inside DGW (319)

    Episode 1013

    Dick has tried iaPeel out and created his own GizWiz.Biz iPod skin.

    GizWiz.Biz iaPeel
    Apple Event
    Today, Leo is off to San Francisco attending the Apple Event at which Apple is expected to announce the new tablet iSlate.  Leo will be covering the event and its aftermath live.

    Worst Christmas Present
    Jenny from the UK has a twin sister who lives in Germany.  They both love the Toothpick Bird episode (Episode 282).  For Christmas, Jenny got the Toothpick Bird (for £9) for her twin sister, who was not amused, and exchanged it for Jenny's own stainless steel toothpick holder.  Now Jenny is the proud owner of a Toothpick Bird.

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    Episode 1012

    Turducken and Kerpupple
    Leo is trying to get metrics on everything for his dieting regiment: how much he weighs, how active he is, how much he eats etc – although he wouldn’t resist a turducken – a low calories boneless version of a turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken, or the dessert kerpupple, a cherry, raspberry and rhubarb pie baked into a cake, with whipped cream, fudge and maybe a lot of kerfuffle on top. He just takes 10,000 steps every day to walk those calories off.

    Slightly More Obsessed – Gadget Costs for 1000 Episodes
    In Episode 1008, listener Slightly Obsessed wrote in about the costs of DGW gadgets.  He was watching the recording on TWiTLive and was slightly annoyed about the way Dick read his previous 3-page letter.   He thinks that Dick and Leo have unfairly maligned and slandered him because of Dick’s hurried misreading of his letter.  They made it sound as though he had only calculated the costs for 200 gadgets out of 563 episodes.  Wrong!  That was Ludwik, not him.  Finally, Dick completely passed over his calculation of the costs for the gadgets from all 1000 episodes.  He took deep umbrage about the suggestion that his effort in honour of their accomplishment in reaching 1000 episodes was either half-hearted or even worse, half-assed.  No, his effort was whole-hearted and completely-assed.  He reviewed EVERY gadget and entered the available price data by hand.

    Here are his figures again (this time, Slightly Obsessed summarises his results).  Ludwik’s figures, based on 200 gadgets, averaged $110 making the cost for the gadgets in the first 563 episodes $62,700.  His figures, for the first 563 episodes, averaged $222.91, totalling $121,134.91.  Based on the gadgets from ALL 1000 EPISODES, the average price was $203.15; and the total cost would amount, at current market value, to $196,442.67Signed, Leo says, Christian Bale.

    Christian Bale v Leo Laporte v Mike Arrington
    Leo plays the infamous Christian Bale melt-down from YouTube, and after the recording, the Chatroom reminds Leo of a mash-up of that studio rage with Leo's "Screw-You" outburst involving Michael Arrington, on YouTubeWarning: loads of profanities.

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    Episode 1011

    My DVR Expander 1TB
    Dick plays "What's In the Box?" with Leo again.  Way back in Episode 363, Dick did the original My DVR Expander from Western Digital.  The latest iteration has far higher capacities, 1TB or 500GB.  Choice of eSATA or USB.   Check your cable box's compatibility.

    Maximum Kiltage
    One of the most risky things that Leo has done live on TV was dancing in a kilt on the Screen Savers.  His spin lifted the skirt - when he was wearing it in the authentic style.  Start watching at about 7'20" into the video, near the end.

    Jerry Nielsen has heard that Dick knows of a gadget that can play and record CDs and MP3 files on to vinyl blanks.  What's it all about, Jerry asks.  Look no further than Episode 798, or go straight to the website.

    At least 8 Characters Long
    Dick saw this joke on his wall on Facebook, posted by Jerome, who got it from Doug Burr: During a recent company audit of passwords, the boss found me using the password MickeyMinniePlutoHueyLouieDeweyDonaldGoofy.  "Why are you using such a long password?" The boss asks.  "But you said it's got to be at least 8 characters long!"

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    Episode 1010

    Audible Discrepancy
    Long-time listener Mr B is troubled by the discrepancy in the number of books between the Audible jingle and what Leo says on his shows.  Is it over 50,000 books, or is it over 65,000 books?  To resolve this, Mr B has created an Audible Counter.  At the time of recording, the total number is 73,001, and growing.  Dick and Leo are just astounded what a nerdy audience they have.  However, Leo quickly finds out the trick - just do an empty search on Audible.

    A Sink for the Car
    Mr B is also troubled by Leo advertising a sink for a car.

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    Episode 1009

    TV Volume Regulators
    Dick has tried other TV volume regulators including the Audiovox VR1 (or Terk VR1) in Episode 804, and they haven't worked very well.  Until CALM gets passed in Congress, the SRS Labs Analog Volume Leveler and the digital HDMI version the MyVolume Adaptor may be the solutions.

    MyVolume Adaptor and Analog Volume Leveler
    Ziegfeld Season Pass
    One never knows who might be listening to the Daily Giz Wiz.  Dick talked about going to the Ziegfeld Theatre in New York to see the movie Nine in Episode 994, and it so happened that loyal listener Doug Oines, who is the head of the company which operates the Clearview Cinemas including the Ziegfeld, was listening to the show, and has offered a season pass to Dick!  Unfortunately, his chain doesn't have a presence in Petaluma, and so no season pass for Leo.

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