Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV.
Ctrl-Z In Episode 1018, Dick and Leo talked about undoing one's life using Command-Z, or Ctrl-Alt-Del. A number of listeners responded, and Daryl Holmquist from San Jose (who offered Dick and Leo a ride in his Tesla when Dick last visited Petaluma: see Episode 892) was one of them. Daryl tells Dick that they should check out NBC's video podcast called Ctrl, starring Tony Hale and Steve Howey, available on iTunes and Hulu.
Edna Meisner's Hand-Made Creations Two weeks ago, fans Steve and Stephanie from Nova Scotia made a special effort to go to the TWiT Cottage, on a Monday, in order to watch the recording of the Daily Giz Wiz. Leo's "gadgets" today came from Stephanie's mother, Edna Meisner (from Lunenburg, Nova Scotia), who is herself a listener of the show.
The gifts came with a note to Leo which he forgot to read during the show. In the video excerpts below (video courtesy of, you can see Leo unbox the Up Chuck and the Sugar Lobster, and listen to Edna's message to Leo. Also, since the recording, Dick has communicated with Edna and got more information on Edna's creations. Do read up on Dick's post for today's show.
Best Investment Ever David Eckhardt heard Dick and Leo talk about Pixar and Steve Jobs in the Kilosode. David notes that Jobs, who bought Pixar from George Lucas and later sold some of his shares to Disney, made one of the best ever investments. Over about 20 years, for every $1, he made $350.
A Delusional History of Petaluma Essentially a tidal slough, the "Petaluma River" is like the northernmost finger of the San Francisco Bay, which gave the town its prosperity including its gold-paved streets (sadly all dug up by Dick on his last 2 visits). At the turn of the century all the lumber from northern California used to come through Petaluma to go to the rest of the world. It also used to be the world's largest exporter of toothpicks when big logs became naturally cut and sharpened into toothpicks as the river wound to a brackish slough. Such is the delusional and alcoholic history of Petaluma.
Fighting on the Couch Ray A Monogold has not missed an episode of the Daily Giz Wiz for a couple of years now. Listening to Dick and Leo who are so generous with their wit and time is a real treat. He only wishes that they would do a weekend show. About the contentious lyrics of the Audible Theme, he thinks it's "I love fighting on the couch."
Whoop! Whoop! In the heyday of disco, Leo used to do "Whoop! Whoop!". Dick was too cool to do that, but he did buy a tambourine.
Livescribe The Daily Giz Wiz makes many a break at work a good one for Renee Shaw from Australia. Renee wants to share with Dick a little beauty she discovered last year - the Livescribe Pen - which Dick covered in Episode 653.
Keychain Video Dick's video taken with the Keychain Spy Camera can be found on YouTube's MadMaddest.
Rock Your Heads Off Leo always gets excited listening to the Thursday Theme. This time, a little over the top, and his top suffers.
El Crappo Kevin Selle of Weatherbrains heard Dick and Leo talk about El Niño and La Niña (in Episode 1018), and thinks Leo's assessment a little off the mark. Kevin has been doing a lot of research using data from the National Climatic Data Center, and is considering submitting a paper to the American Meteorological Society on an interesting and undeniable pattern: a direct correlation between the severity of weather systems and the crappiness of the gadgets on TTTT.