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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « Episode 975 | Main | Episode 973 »

    Episode 974

    Weather Brains
    Talk of New York weather reminds Dick of Kevin Selle of Weather Brains, and Leo wonders how Dick knows Kevin.  Kevin has been a long-time listener and correspondent.  His last letter appeared in Episode 766.

    Improv with John Putnam
    On a MAD trip to Bermuda, John Putnam, art director of MAD, started talking nonsense to Dick in the lift in a hotel in front of other hotel guests.  Dick played along, as Doctor/Professor/Architect Richard DeBartolo, as the situation (comedy) required.

    The Over-Sterilisation of America
    Pants Commander Evan Pedersen of Fancy Pants Gangsters (who last wrote in Episode 598) has been reminded by the recent discussion of anti-bacterial soap (see Episodes  954 and 962) of George Carlin, who was very much against America's over-sterilisation and its obsession with cleanliness, which deprives of the body of opportunities to build up a healthy immune system.

    The Pasta Formerly known as Prince
    Somehow Dick and Leo get on to Prince Spaghetti Day, Wednesday, and Anthony.  This video may explain it.  The chatroom has a new name for the old pasta.


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