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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « Episode 976 | Main | Episode 974 »

    Episode 975

    Seagate Pocket Drive
    Dick's version of the Seagate Pocket Drive is only 3 years old (the year the Daily Giz Wiz started). The original 5GB version won the CES 2005 Innovation Award.  By 2006 it offered 6 and 8 GB capacities.  The 8GB cost $149.  The recent Verbatim Tuff N Tiny 8GB (Episode 901) costs $38.

    Seagate Pocket Drive
    Dick and Leo are surprised that they have never covered any Seagate product, and the only "pocket drive" they talked about was the HP Pocket Media Drive (Episode 189).

    More Customer Reviews
    Steven Clarke from Many Farms, Arizona was listening to Episode 966 in which Peter Costello wrote in about the reviews on Amazon of the Steering Wheel Laptop Desk.  In a similar vein, Steven would like Dick and Leo to read up on the Tuscan Whole Milk, including a poem after "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe.

    Other silly reviews can be found for the Three Wolf Moon Short Sleeves Tee.

    Tuscan Whole Milk, Three Wolf Moon Tee, on Amazon

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