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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    Episode 973

    Match Game and Set
    Much more interesting than the X10 BOC is Dick's special Match Game Gift Set - a "The Best of Match Game" 4-DVD set (which includes the pilot episode), AND a Match Game Question card autographed by Dick.  Check out Match Game Memories on this site.

    Germs Poster
    Dick has prepared a Germs Poster for the March 2010 issue of MAD.  You can see it now.

    DGW Outtakes
    "How about a Daily Giz Wiz Outtakes Show?" suggests the chatroom.  We already have it.  It's called the Daily Giz Wiz.

    I Love SYNC
    Jeff Kaplan from Michigan has been driving a Ford Focus since May 2009 and he loves Ford SYNC.  For people who don't have a smartphone like an iPhone, Blackberry or Droid, they can still enjoy many of the features of SYNC as long as their device (whether it be a dumb phone or an mp3 player) has Bluetooth Audio (like Jeff's iPod Touch).  On short rides in his Focus, Jeff keeps the iPod Touch in his pocket and only connects it to the USB connector on longer rides.  SYNC can still play his music and podcasts from his iPod Touch.  He can talk hands-free on his bluetooth dumb phone using SYNC - which can also call 911 for him in an emergency, from his bluetooth phone.

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