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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    Entries by Inside DGW (319)


    Episode 978

    USB Pet Rock
    As a bonus, Dick also talks about Think Geek's USB Pet Rock.

    Think Geek's USB Pet Rock
    Socks for Life
    Long-time listener Larry Blakely was catching up with some old episodes of the Daily Giz Wiz.  In one of them Dick mentioned that he always bought his socks in bulk, so that they would always match (Episode 860).  Years ago Larry saw a life-time replacement guarantee for socks by Clarks Shoes and bought some.  Recently he took a pair of them which had worn thin back to Clarks to test the guarantee.  It was honoured.

    Strange Bedfellows - Clarks Shoes and Little Annie Fanny
    There might actually be some logic (if strange) in the Daily Giz Wiz show after all.  Larry's letter reminds Leo of his old Clarks Shoes commercial, which in turn reminds Dick of a production of a Playboy Club musical Little Annie Fanny.  Back in Episode 614, Dick and Leo told the same two stories, in reverse order.  The common thread seems to be the bed.

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    Episode 977

    Truehart of the CIO
    The chatroom has found Leo's serialised fiction (see Episode 976).  It was published in HI-RES magazine, called Truehart of the CIO.

    Play It Again, Spork
    Dick has all the themes and jingles on his Sansa Clip, and he heard the Spork Commercial (by Dan Lueders, first aired in Episode 558) the other day in the gym.  Leo plays it again for Dick.

    Correction, Correction
    A couple of corrections for what Leo said in Episode 963Tammy G's father-in-law Ted Willner who worked for J Walter Thompson as senior copywriter at the time proudly claimed to have named the Mustang.  In the same episode, Leo said that the Mustang is the longest-running production car - 45 years.  Nestor thinks Leo has been misinformed.  It's the Corvette, which debuted in 1953.

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    Episode 976

    The Old Philosopher
    Leo begins the week by picking up where he left off in Episode 380, a parody of Eddie Lawrence, the Old Philosopher.

    Doing what Leo Does Best
    Bruce Farley aka Dr BiteMe met Dick and Leo at the San Francisco meetup.  He wishes Leo a happy birthday on 29 November, when Leo would be doing what he does best.  Dick wonders what it is.  Leo's new book will be called "The Quest For What I Do Best".

    Serialised Fiction
    Leo reveals that years ago he wrote for an Atari magazine some serialised fiction based on characters that are supposed to live inside an Atari computer, like the IO Bus or POKEY.  Serialised fiction?  Isn't that the Daily Giz Wiz?

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    Episode 975

    Seagate Pocket Drive
    Dick's version of the Seagate Pocket Drive is only 3 years old (the year the Daily Giz Wiz started). The original 5GB version won the CES 2005 Innovation Award.  By 2006 it offered 6 and 8 GB capacities.  The 8GB cost $149.  The recent Verbatim Tuff N Tiny 8GB (Episode 901) costs $38.

    Seagate Pocket Drive
    Dick and Leo are surprised that they have never covered any Seagate product, and the only "pocket drive" they talked about was the HP Pocket Media Drive (Episode 189).

    More Customer Reviews
    Steven Clarke from Many Farms, Arizona was listening to Episode 966 in which Peter Costello wrote in about the reviews on Amazon of the Steering Wheel Laptop Desk.  In a similar vein, Steven would like Dick and Leo to read up on the Tuscan Whole Milk, including a poem after "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe.

    Other silly reviews can be found for the Three Wolf Moon Short Sleeves Tee.

    Tuscan Whole Milk, Three Wolf Moon Tee, on Amazon

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    Episode 974

    Weather Brains
    Talk of New York weather reminds Dick of Kevin Selle of Weather Brains, and Leo wonders how Dick knows Kevin.  Kevin has been a long-time listener and correspondent.  His last letter appeared in Episode 766.

    Improv with John Putnam
    On a MAD trip to Bermuda, John Putnam, art director of MAD, started talking nonsense to Dick in the lift in a hotel in front of other hotel guests.  Dick played along, as Doctor/Professor/Architect Richard DeBartolo, as the situation (comedy) required.

    The Over-Sterilisation of America
    Pants Commander Evan Pedersen of Fancy Pants Gangsters (who last wrote in Episode 598) has been reminded by the recent discussion of anti-bacterial soap (see Episodes  954 and 962) of George Carlin, who was very much against America's over-sterilisation and its obsession with cleanliness, which deprives of the body of opportunities to build up a healthy immune system.

    The Pasta Formerly known as Prince
    Somehow Dick and Leo get on to Prince Spaghetti Day, Wednesday, and Anthony.  This video may explain it.  The chatroom has a new name for the old pasta.


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