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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    Entries by Inside DGW (319)


    Episode 1043

    Bloom Energy
    stevec5000 has a suggestion for the Daily Giz Wiz.  How about Bloom Energy’s fuel cell?  Google has a few Bloom Boxes already, and TWiT should be catching up.  Colleen can make a fuel-cell-asaurus, in a shoe box.

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    Episode 1042

    All You Need to Know about Jewish Festivals
    DrMom from the chatroom, who is responsible for giving Leo the Hamantaschen, sums up the essence of Jewish festivals. They try to kill us, we survive, let’s eat!

    iPhone Bike Mount
    Ultimate Giz Wiz Fan wonders if Leo can recommend any iPhone mounts for bikes. Leo knows quite a few, but recommends’s PED3 Bike.

    PED3 Bike

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    Episode 1041

    Leo’s New Diet
    Leo has a new diet provider, but his weight has plateaued, thanks to all the goodies sent in by fans, including lots of Hamantaschen.

    Lick To Answer
    Tim Hopkins has found a new way to answer a call on his iPhone. He licks it, rather than taking the other alternatives that people have found out, such as Korean frozen sausages and cheese sticks.

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    Episode 1040

    Road Whiz and Greensfinder
    Ultradata's Greensfinder was also called the Golf Guide in some iterations.  You can see the Golf Guide in the picture below, along with a Talking Road Whiz.

    Golf Guide and Talking Road Whiz
    TWiT Cottage East
    Leo has been thinking about having a morning show done from the East Coast.  That project is now taking shape.  TWiT will have a studio in New York, with SquareSpace making space for TWiT from their new SOHO office.

    Gadget Warehouse Finder
    Listening to Episode 1030, Jeff Pinn from Rochester decided to follow Leo's directions to Dick's Gadget Warehouse.  Jeff is familiar with New York but couldn't quite visualise the warehouse's location.  Google 360 didn't help.  Dick explains that the warehouse is inside Sofia Brothers Warehouse at the corner of 83rd Street and Amsterdam Avenue.  For more details, see Episode 850.

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    Episode 1039

    Logitech LapDesk N700
    For a previously covered laptop stand, see Episode 457, the LapWorks Futura.

    Logitech LapDesk N700
    Disney Smellitzer
    The Paint Pourri in Episode 1020 reminds Daryl Holmquist of Disneyland's scent emulator which produces scents and smells reminiscent of that particular part of Disney World.  Daryl refers to it as the Smellolizer, but apparently the name is Smellitzer, and the technology involved has been patented by Disney.  Perhaps one day DGW listener Ricky Brigante can write about it on his Inside the Magic blog.

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