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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    Entries by Inside DGW (319)


    Episode 1053

    3D TV
    Senior citizen Bob Polente has been following Leo since Tech TV days, and enjoys Dick and Leo’s antics.  Recently Leo has made skeptical remarks about 3D TVs.  Being a fan of 3D movies from the 50’s, Bob could not resist seeing the Panasonic 3D TV which was exhibited at the 2010 Flroida State Fair at Tampa.  He was ready to dismiss it as a gimmick but to his surprise the 10-minute preview of 3D TV on a Panasonic 50″ plasma TV inside a mobile unit was unbelievable.  It was showing clips from the Beijing Olympics and he felt he was inside the arena.

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    Episode 1052

    Not Even Close Captioning
    Jay York has tried out YouTube’s new closed captions feature.  If once in a while, you want a different kind of humour on the Daily Giz Wiz, watching the closed captions of the Daily Giz Wiz video on the TWiT Channel is the answer.

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    Episode 1051

    Leo's World Record
    Leo had a blast at SXSW at Austin, Texas, and that’s apart from meeting up with fans and friends.  Never to shy away from the camera, he became the tech meme of the month for live streaming his “crowd surfing” at the Diggnation party (thanks to the backpack equipment rigged up by Colleen), and set a world record for being the heaviest and bulkiest man ever to crowd surf at a diggnation party at SXSW – well, for something anyway, on URDB.

    Leo's URDB BadgeDaily Giz Wiz on YouTube
    Although DGW is not yet a video podcast, you can still watch the show on YouTube.  Just check out the TWiT Channel.

    Hacker’s Diet
    Leo has mentioned a number of times that he shouldn’t weigh himself (and tweet the readings) every day but should do so at longer intervals.  David Phillips recommends that Leo check out the Hacker’s Diet on Wikipedia, devised by Autodesk founder John Walker.

    The Unbrideled Pleasures of Churrascaria
    No diet could have saved Leo in Texas, when he abandoned himself to the mindless pursuit of epicurean delights at the Fogo de Chao.  Fortunately he went to the restaurant before the Diggnation party, or he would have broken a few backs along with the world record.

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    Episode 1050

    Whipping Boy & Yes Man
    Back in Episode 640, Dick covered the Yes Man, which surprisingly will be available again in May this year, according to Raucreations.  A similar idea to the Yes Man was the Whipping Boy aka the Whiner Doll, from about 1990, a bust that takes all the blame, using pre-recorded messages.  Leo doesn’t need it, as he has Dane Golden.

    LED Shortage
    Someone told Dick that there’s going to be an LED shortage.  Not surprising.  Dick probably consumes half of the annual supply, although Leo has a saner explanation – LED TVs, more and more of which are being made.

    Haman’s Ears
    Dan Astin heard Leo talk about hamantaschen in Episode 1041.  In Pennsylvania where Dan is, hamantaschen have many flavours.  In Israel, they’re called Oznei Haman (or Ozmay Haman).  Dick is looking forward to Passover, when he can get lots of jelly doughnuts.

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    Episode 1049

    Hung Over from Life
    Leo’s life now is so sweet he’s intoxicated by it.  It reminds Dick of a silly answer from Family Feud.  A contestant was asked to think of an excuse, if one is stopped by a police officer for speeding“Officer, I’ve been drinking.”

    Just One Shot
    Leo had a wager with TWiT video editor Tony Wang over the latest Old Spice commercial featuring Isaiah Mustafa.  Leo could not believe that it was all done in one shot.  To find out the answer, he interviewed the creators of the commercial, Craig Allen and Eric Kallman from the advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy.  Quite fascinating.

    At the end of the interview, they talk about a 15-second version of the commercial, with Mustafa riding on the horse backwards.  Here is the video.

    Whatever happened to the Terratrike?
    Eric Gogol saw Leo riding his Terratrike on some of Leo’s YouTube videos, and was persuaded to get one himself.  Eric wonders if it has ever been covered on TTTT (yes, in Episode 837), and how Leo is doing with his.  The official answer is Petaluma has been too wet for triking.  The truth probably is, Leo is past his attention span for the Terratrike.

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