An Inexpensive Way To Hold Your Laptop or Chromebook In A Better Postion For Use.

Folded up, you probably wouldn't guess the gadget unfolds to become the N8 Aluminum Alloy Laptop Stand. At least that's what's printed on the box. Staying at home so much I've been using my Acer Chromebook along with my two PC's much more often. I found it's easier to watch movies, course videos, etc. on the Chromebook if I could place it higher up, at an angle. That's why I bought this laptop stand/holder. It offers a 7 step height & angle adjustment; from 2.75 inches to 5.5 inches. It's nicely built, has 4 rubber cushions on top and 2 protective hooks at the bottom to keep your laptop from scratches & sliding. Another 4 silicone pads on the bottom protect this stand from scrapes and helps keep it secure on your desk. It can hold a notebook/laptop us to 15.6”, weighing up to 11 pounds according to the description. It weighs 9.2 oz, folds easily and comes with a carrying pouch. I paid $23.99 on Amazon. If you go to the page be sure to look around as models & prices there change almost daily.
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