A Neat Gadget To Help Keep The Kitchen Neat.

Browsing through Amazon was the first time I learned about a hanging kitchen trash can. It's said to save space and help keep the kitchen clean and tidy. It works with reusable grocery bags. It can hang on the edge of a drawer, the top of a cabinet, or even in back seat of car, hanging on the seat pocket. The company says the trash can is made of grade environmental protection material, and I have no idea what that is, except it feels like some sort of plastic. As you'll see in the video, it can be used half open, or fully open. Fully open it can stand as a small trash bin for bedroom or bedroom. The plastic bag holder slips off and can be used to push small garbage off the counter right into the hanging trash can. The dimensions are on the photo (left) and one reviewer said it works great with 3 gallons trash bags. I paid $20 for the tan version, there's a grey version too, often with a different price. There are other companies selling what looks like this exact trash can for a buck or two less, so check around if you go to Amazon.
There is a huge selection of them here: https://amzn.to/2zVoo1S
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