A new way to fly a paper airplane - via Bluetooth!

Okay, what’s one of the most basic toys you most likely played with as a kid? You don’t have to think about it because I’ll save time and tell you. The paper airplane. It was free, easy to build and fun to fly. At Toy Fair I met the inventor who brought the paper plane into the world of high tech with his PowerUp 3.0 Bluetooth Controlled Paper Airplane. Inventor, entrepreneur and part-time aviator Shai Goitein created what is probably the ultimate paper airplane. The PowerUp 3.0 Smartphone Controlled Paper Airplane is Bluetooth controlled by your smartphone. About 15 minutes of charge time will give you about 10 minutes of flight. Shai said it will fly up to 160 feet away, and then glide to the ground if it goes out the Bluetooth range. It’s an incredible success story. Shai set all kinds of Kickstarter records for shattering his sales goal. He was looking to raise $50,000 and he surpassed his goal by $1.2 million! I guess people never forgot the joy of paper airplanes. The PowerUp 3.0 will ship in May or June for under $50.
http://www.poweruptoys.com/ - Company website.
Giz Wiz Toy Fair Paper Airplane Video:http://youtu.be/pawfKm0Ksrs
See or hear this show: www.twit.tv/giz1456
More toys from Toy Fair that I showed on ABC's World News Now: http://gizwizbiz.squarespace.com/world-news-now-abc/
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