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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « THIS GAME HAS ENDED! - Here's the new Sept/Oct 2016 "What The Heck Is It?" Game. And the Winners of the July/August 2016 game! | Main | Winners for cute clever answers. All winners in US & Canada get October, 2016 MAD »

    And the winners of the July/August WTHII game with the actual answer are.............

    About two dozen people knew that the July/August WTHII gadget was the Dap Cap! We picked a dozen winners at random. Who knew we had so many DYI'ers in our audience! 

    It's a DAP Cap caulk finishing tool. Bob McAdams


    My guess is that the yellow object is a “Caulk Finishing Tool.” The Rocket Ranger


    It is a caulk smoother tool. Makes it straight and even. David Eckard


    I believe that's a caulk trowel. Eric Selje


    Caulking smoothing tool. Cel Begshaw


    caulk application tool and tube plug. Ryan


    I believe the pictured item is a fingertip tooling knife for caulking. Glen Celmer


    That is a Caulking Cap / Finishing Tool. Derryl McDowell


    DAP Cap Caulk Finishing Tool — PizzaGew, Lake Nacimiento, CA

    Its a caulk spudger. John Bailey


    I do believe this is a tool for smoothing out caulk, you stick your finger in, drag it along with the triangle end and get a nice smooth bead. Sam


    caulk finishing tool, used to apply a smooth finish to ooey-gooey silicone caulk. Big Jim Donaldson


    These folks and the people on the cute, clever list below are winners. See the bottom on the next panel on how to collect your prize.


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