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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    Here's The New Sept/Oct 2022 "What The Heck Is It?" Game!

    Do you know 'what the heck it is'? To play, come up with the right answer, or make up a silly, or inventive answer that we find funny or clever that describes the gizmo shown. We give away up to 18 autographed copies of MAD Magazine. (Up to 6 for the correct answer, up to 12 for cute, silly answers.)

    You'll be playing for the December 2022 issue of MAD, produced by the now, tiny (it's down to two people!) LA MAD staff. It's going to be a very special issue, celebrating 70 years of MAD Magazine! Yes, with some NEW MAD stuff!

    Remember cute or clever wrong answers can win too! Please be sure to put " WTHII" in the subject line so we can pick it out quickly. The judges have very small attention spans, so make sure entries are no more than 25 words, and please make just one guess per entry. You must sign your entry with a nickname, screen name, fake name, or even real name, but sign it! If it's not signed, it's not eligible. E-mail your entry to  by midnight (EST) Nov 1 2022. By entering you agree this is a game for fun and laughs. Winning answers are published on this website the 1st or 2nd of November 2022, so come back to see if you won. Because like MAD, we're really low budget here, we can only mail winning copies to United States & some Canada addresses. Please don't answer on this website; it won't count. Good Luck! Winners outside the US & Canada can have a now 40 year old Alfred E. Neuman photo autographed to them, scanned and emailed to them. Again, sign your entry with something or it won't count.

    Entries go to:


    Here Are The Winners of the July/August WTHII Game With The Correct Answers!

    More than a hundred people answered some form of toilet paper device. Three of them had it exactly right! Here are those three!

    Extension to a normal toilet paper roll, letting user attach a jumbo roll. Richie Namm


    It's a toilet paper roll holder extender. ThatOtherGuyBry


    Toilet paper backup holder. Use it to hang a second roll on the first! GORDO!


    Out of the other hundred-plus toilet paper answers we randomly picked 3 and they are:


    Portable camping toilet roll holder you hang around your neck when doing your business. Pablo G.


    Toilet paper roll hanger for an outhouse. Bob (Dover, NH)


    Toilet paper holder necklace. Shane Schickowski


    I bought that device on Amazon. It's here:


    As an Amazon Associate Giz Wiz Biz earns from qualifying Amazon purchases. You pay no more.


    See how to get your MAD Magazine below the "Cute, Clever, Could-be" Answers. 


    Cute, Clever, and 'It Might Be That' Answers That Won!

    We got a lot of these, we picked one at random:

    Luggage weigher that you take along on a trip. Steve Miller


    We got a lot of these, we picked one at random:

    Shopping bag handle - Ron K. Levy


    Other winners:


    Hands-Free Harmonica Holder. Keep harmonica right over your mouth. Brian


    Infrared tooth whitening device, with hooks for behind your ears. Diana in Yankee land


    Snack eating trough for Humans. Hangs on your ears. HAYDEN SAVAGE


    Candle designed to be burned on both ends. Tom Davis


    It is a Tug O' War meter for small animals. Mr Tom


    Billiard table light for a doll house. Eddie Adams


    House plant grow light. Jim JJE Ebben


    Futuristic binoculars, hook to your head by hooking the 2 chains on your ears. Mr See-Sir


    First generation, over the ears, book light. Jade Splawn


    Vacuum necklace - catches and sucks up crumbs while you eat! Brent H.


    WINNERS (Who live in the U.S.& I’ll try to send to Canada) get the October 2022 issue of MAD. Even though MAD moved to LA in December 2017 I’m continuing the WTHII game and sending out MAD magazines to winners since so many people say they love to play it. Winners of MAD magazine are for US addresses only, although I have been able to send MAD magazine to some locations in Canada. If you win and live in the US or Canada, email me your full name & address and put MAD WINNER in the subject so I can pick it out easily. I’ll autograph your MAD with your first name & my name unless you specify “Dick’s name only”. If you’d rather have one of those 40+ year old Alfred E. Neuman pictures, instead of the MAD magazine, put “SEND ALFRED PIC NOT MAD” in the subject line. Soon, they will be no more of those either. The remaining Alfred E pics were shipped to MAD in LA. If you won more than once using different names, please just ask for one MAD. If you live anywhere outside of the US & Canada email me with WINNER in the subject line and I’ll autograph an Alfred E. Neuman photo to you, scan it & email a high res image to you. You can print it out & no one should know the difference. (I’ve done it quite a few times already and people say the photo looks great.)

    Email me at


    Here's The New July/August 2022 "What The Heck Is It?" Gadget! 

    Do you know 'what the heck it is'? To play, come up with the right answer, or make up a silly, or inventive answer that we find funny or clever that describes the gizmo shown. We give away up to 18 autographed copies of MAD Magazine. (Up to 6 for the correct answer, up to 12 for cute, silly answers.)

    You'll be playing for the October 2022 issue of MAD, produced by the now, tiny (it's down to two people!) LA MAD staff. Remember cute or clever wrong answers can win too! Please be sure to put " WTHII" in the subject line so we can pick it out quickly.

    The judges have very small attention spans, so make sure entries are no more than 25 words, and please make just one guess per entry. You must sign your entry with a nickname, screen name, fake name, or even real name, but sign it! If it's not signed, it's not eligible. E-mail your entry to by midnight (EDT) Sept 1 2022. By entering you agree this is a game for fun and laughs. Winning answers are published on this website the 1st or 2nd of September 2022, so come back to see if you won. Because like MAD, we're really low budget here, we can only mail winning copies to United States & some Canada addresses. Please don't answer on this website; it won't count. Good Luck! Winners outside the US & Canada can have a now 40 year old Alfred E. Neuman photo autographed to them, scanned and emailed to them. Again, sign your entry with something or it won't count.

    Entries go to:


    Here Are The Winners of May/June 2022 WTHII Game!

    Here are the six winners we picked with the right answer. Most even had the correct brand name: Glue Dots. It is a little device you run over something you want to stick to something else. As you roll it, it puts down a row of sticky dots. Glue Dots still made and still for sale on Amazon. (Link below) It's actually quite handy.

    This is a sticky dot dispenser. Melissa Parsons

    Glue Dots®! And they're lookin' to be Advanced Strength, too. - Diana in Yankee Land

    Glue Dots Multi-Purpose Dispenser. Tom M

    Container/dispenser for Glue Dots. -Bob Buchanan

    "glue dot dispenser". Dede

    Roll it and it puts a little dab of glue down. Brian Shannon

    Read ‘how to get your autographed MAD magazine’ below, at the bottom of the ‘cute, clever, could be’ winners.

    Glue Dots are here on Amazon: 

    As an Amazon Associate Giz Wiz Biz earns from qualifying Amazon purchases. You pay no more.