Here Are The Winners of May/June 2022 WTHII Game!
Here are the six winners we picked with the right answer. Most even had the correct brand name: Glue Dots. It is a little device you run over something you want to stick to something else. As you roll it, it puts down a row of sticky dots. Glue Dots still made and still for sale on Amazon. (Link below) It's actually quite handy.
This is a sticky dot dispenser. Melissa Parsons
Glue Dots®! And they're lookin' to be Advanced Strength, too. - Diana in Yankee Land
Glue Dots Multi-Purpose Dispenser. Tom M
Container/dispenser for Glue Dots. -Bob Buchanan
"glue dot dispenser". Dede
Roll it and it puts a little dab of glue down. Brian Shannon
Read ‘how to get your autographed MAD magazine’ below, at the bottom of the ‘cute, clever, could be’ winners.
Glue Dots are here on Amazon:
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