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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « Here's The New Sept/Oct 2022 "What The Heck Is It?" Game! | Main | Cute, Clever, and 'It Might Be That' Answers That Won! »

    Here Are The Winners of the July/August WTHII Game With The Correct Answers!

    More than a hundred people answered some form of toilet paper device. Three of them had it exactly right! Here are those three!

    Extension to a normal toilet paper roll, letting user attach a jumbo roll. Richie Namm


    It's a toilet paper roll holder extender. ThatOtherGuyBry


    Toilet paper backup holder. Use it to hang a second roll on the first! GORDO!


    Out of the other hundred-plus toilet paper answers we randomly picked 3 and they are:


    Portable camping toilet roll holder you hang around your neck when doing your business. Pablo G.


    Toilet paper roll hanger for an outhouse. Bob (Dover, NH)


    Toilet paper holder necklace. Shane Schickowski


    I bought that device on Amazon. It's here:


    As an Amazon Associate Giz Wiz Biz earns from qualifying Amazon purchases. You pay no more.


    See how to get your MAD Magazine below the "Cute, Clever, Could-be" Answers. 

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