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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « Episode 987 | Main | Episode 985 »

    Episode 986

    Wacky T-Shirts
    Apart from the Electronic Rock Guitar T-Shirt, there is also the Electronic Drum Kit T-Shirt, also available at Think Geek.  Here's Dick's demo, video courtesy of Team ODTV at

    More Wacky T-Shirts
    If you can't be bothered with playing a musical instrument and just want the finished product, try the Personal Soundtrack T-Shirt, with a built-in speaker right on the shirt front, and a wired remote for selection of sounds.  This is as close as you can get to the Toshiba Sonic Jacket (Episode 170).

    Personal Soundtrack T-Shirt
    Also don't forget the T-Qualizer (Episode 439) and the WiFi Detector T-Shirt mentioned in Episode 945.

    For a much more sartorial approach to your wardrobe of tees, try GizWizGear.

    The Award-Winning Show
    The Daily Giz Wiz was up against some fierce competition in the Comedy category at the Podcast Awards, but it managed to come through with a well-deserved win.  For a video of Dick's acceptance speech, check back at Episode 981.  Dick and Leo are grateful to their fans, especially the theme writers including Paul Minshall and Dan Lueders.

    The Pains of TV Appearances
    Dick and Leo have both made many appearances on TV, and share the pains of long waits and having to bring along thousands of gadgets for mainstream shows like Regis - who had no idea what Dick was talking about when he mentioned uploading files to the Atari Portfolio (Episode 190) and taking them on the road.

    Getting Wizzed
    Deke Kassabian, now Senior Technology Director of Information, Systems and Computing at the University of Pennsylvania who wrote in Episodes 481 and 516, has coined new phrases for phenomena caused by the Daily Giz Wiz.  When websites get slammed as a result of a gadget being covered on the show, or when prices go up due to the increased demand, he and his friends call it the Giz Wiz Effect.  When a gadget gets sold out, it gets wizzed.

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