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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « Episode 980 | Main | Episode 978 »

    Episode 979

    12 Days of Giz Wiz
    Leo is reminded of the great video Paul Minshall did last year (see Episode 728) for the show - The 12 Days of Giz Wiz.

    12 Days of Giz Wiz
    The 12 gadgets featured on the video are: (1) Nokia N93 from Episode 172, (2) Toothpick Bird from Episode 282, (3) Road Mice from Episode 698, (4) Power Squid from Episode 24, (5) Titanium Spork from Episode 182, (6) Scott-E-Vest from Episode 34, (7) Sony Walkman from Episode 55, (8) Palm Pilot from Episode 590, (9) CubiCaller from Episode 381, (10) Toilet Tunes from Episode 604, (11) Uroclub from Episode 598, and (12) Drobo Backup from Episode 332.

    Here’s the link to the video, or watch it again here.

    Christmas Phone-In
    Leo gets teary watching the 12 Days of Giz Wiz again, and Dick and Leo are both touched by their fans.  One lady fan has ordered the Ultimate Ludwik Package and is planning to open it at Christmas to share among the household who are all Daily Giz Wiz fans.  Dick might even arrange a phone-in as a Christmas surprise.

    Letters Jingle Music Video
    Now that TWiT shows are on Roku, Leo is on a roll with video.  He plays the Music Video of the Jingle Singers performing George Wood's original Letters Jingle, a mash-up by listener Ed Ross which was first played on the show in Episode 594.  You can also find it on YouTube.

    Swine Flu Cut-Off Age
    In Episode 962 Dick talked about an episode of 60 Minutes Plus on swine flu and how people of a certain age are more resistant to H1N1 due to exposure to viruses in previous flu outbreaks.  Earlier in the year while visiting his family in Albuquerque, Ben Ford from Rochester, New York came down with swine flu but neither his mother nor his two sisters caught it.  The doctor explained that their exposure in the early 50's to the Asian flu might have given them the immunity.  Ben's sisters were born in 1951 and 1952, while Ben was born in 1956, who may have missed out on the exposure.

    The Ultimate Ludwik Package PLUS !!
    The original Ultimate Ludwik Package has sold out.  No more is the GizWizBiz Ice Cube.  What took you so long?  Despair not.  Dick has prepared the Ultimate Ludwik Package Plus, which includes (1) MAD Issue 501; (2) Good Days And MAD; (3) GizWizBiz LED Cap (4) 2x GizWizBiz Clip Hanger; (5) GizWizBiz Pen; and NEW to GizWiz.Biz - (6) GizWizBiz LED Strobe; and (7) GizWizBiz Keep-A-Cable (see Episode 796).  Available exclusively at Giz Wiz Garbage.

    Giz Wiz Garb - NEW !!!
    Not to be confused with Giz Wiz Garbage, Giz Wiz Garb is a new online shop (an affiliate site of Dick's) offering GizWiz.Biz logo'ed garb - mainly T-Shirts (some with landmark DGW gadgets on the back of the Tees such as the Key Buoy and the Toothpick Bird), but also mugs and mouse pads.  The products are made by Color Spot Printing, which is run by a Daily Giz Wiz fan Sue McAllister (see Episode 900 for the Polo shirts she made for Dick and Leo).  Shipping to the USA only it seems, but listen out for details in later shows.

    From - GizWiz.Biz Logo T-Shirt with Toothpick Bird on the back

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