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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « Episode 971 | Main | Episode 969 »

    Episode 970

    Podcast Awards - VOTE!
    Voting is still open at Podcast Awards, until Monday 30 November.  Leo has decided to try for the following awards: The Daily Giz Wiz for People's Choice, This Week In Fun for Comedy, TWiT for Video, Floss Weekly for Technology, Munchcast for Food and Drink and Roz Rows for Travel.  If Leo got all of these, he would feel good about it.  Yeah, a clean sweep!

    Keep voting for the Daily Giz Wiz!

    Podcast Alley Award
    Dick and Leo mention in passing Podcast Alley, which is still around.  The Daily Giz Wiz actually topped the chart on Podcast Alley for the month of May 2006, after much begging on the show for votes.  The result was first announced in Episode 77, and it was in Episode 95 when Leo, still basking in the glory of the win, came up with the non-sequitur Gravy Slogan.  For the full story of the slogan and related jingle, see Gravy, the Making of.

    Colleen's Pick
    Long-time listener Tim Harbst from La Crosse, Wisconsin, who still jogs to the sounds of the Daily Giz Wiz during lunch-time (see Episode 603), has bought many gadgets covered in the show, one of the most entertaining of which is the SmartShopper (Episode 424).  It rarely understands the object you speak to it the first time.  His kids spend hours on it, and their friends speak naughty words to it.

    The latest gadget from the show is a bluetooth stereo headset mentioned in passing but never fully reviewed by Leo - a suggestion by Colleen - the Sony DR-BT160.  Tim and his wife have also bought a Ford Flex, complete with Ford SYNC.  He's also an Audible listener  and a proud owner of a GizWizBiz Cap, in support of the show.

    Sony DR-BT160 Bluetooth Stereo Headset

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