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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « Episode 970 | Main | Episode 968 »

    Episode 969

    A Recipe for Pineapple Upside Down Cake
    Dick finally reveals his recipe for the Pineapple Upside Down Cake, passed down from his dentist.  Dick's instructions are not complete (except for the topping), but here's my take on what should be called Dick's Pineapple Over-The-Top Cake:

    Butter ½ lb (more if you dare)
    Brown sugar 1 lb (more if you dare)
    Pineapple rings 9
    Cherries 9, or for Dick's special, Raspberry Jam

    Batter (Totally optional):
    Improvise.  In the recent words of Steve Jobs, "It's not that big of a deal."

    Other requirements and contraindications:
    A large stomach, free-flowing arteries, a healthy heart: absolute musts.  Land line for calling 911 for heart attack or other emergencies: recommended.  A Ford car with Ford SYNC, activate the air-bag, let Ford SYNC call 911: viable alternative.

    Diabetics: don't even think about it.

    If in doubt (you should be), consult honest physician and dentist first.

    Heat the oven to 350F.  Take an 8-inch or 9-inch square cake pan and heat butter in it until melted.  Sprinkle brown sugar over butter.  Alternatively, caramelise butter and sugar in a saucepan before pouring syrup into cake pan.  Arrange pineapple rings over butter and sugar syrup.  Put a cherry in the centre of each ring or fill the centres with raspberry jam.

    If cake option is desired in addition to the topping, improvise.  Pour batter over topping.

    Bake until the cake is cooked.  Turn the cake over on to a large serving plate immediately.  When the final "slop", "slop" sounds grind to a halt, you're done.  Watch the syrup lava drench the cake and salivate (or get sick as personal taste dictates).  Let cool before serving, if you must.

    Dick’s Pineapple Upside Down Cake
    Dick has “twitpicked” his finished product.  It looks great!

    This looks great!

    No Go for NYT Tech Talk
    Sue Watkins, one of whose boats is near Cheesequake, and who once wrote in about how to listen to the Daily Giz Wiz in order on the iPod (Episode 617), guessed that Leo had a Ford.  Her own Ford has Ford SYNC and its voice recognition works well with the Daily Giz Wiz, but not the NYT Tech Talk.

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