These Are Flags You Don't Wave.

Microphone Flagscan be added to many handheld microphones to make them, and you, look more professional. I bought mine on Amazon. The square shaped one is branded AnFun and sold as a Portable Square Cube Shaped Interview Mic Microphone Flag. It's made of ABS Material, a strong plastic. It's available in black and white. Note: As you probably guessed a microphone is not included! The square shaped design offers a nice amount of space to place your show logo or whatever you want. For under $10 I was able to to buy one black and one white microphone flag. There's foam at the center that you slide your handheld microphone into. Here's a whole assortment of mic flags at all different prices an this link: As an Amazon Associate Giz Wiz Biz earns from qualifying Amazon purchases. You pay no more.
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