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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « Want to use your smartphone and laptop side-by-side at the same time? | Main | The Giz Wiz Found Out About This Too Late For The Show, But It Seems Like A Great Desk Organizer. »

    Need A Handy Desk Lamp? This One Should Do The Job! It's Inexpensive too.

    Here's a very inexpensive desk lamp with some nice features. First of all, it's an LED bulb, so you'll never have to replace it. Adjust the shade by a flexible steel gooseneck arm to direct the 4 watt, 260 lumens of warm, flicker-free LED light where it is needed The lamp base is recessed so there's room for the little things you need to keep handy like paperclips, rubber bands, tacks, stamps, etc. And finally, this lamp has an AC outlet on the side! You don't want to plug in a high power device, but it's perfect to use to charge devices like smartphones using their own AC cord. And you can even plug in another LED lamp if you need two lamps on your desk! Turn the lamp on and off with a simple on/off rocker switch on the base. Available in black and colors and amazingly, under $7 as of 10/12/20! Walmart.     (Not an affiliate link.)  (Walmart may require you to cut & paste this link to go to that page. Weird.)

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