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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    A stainless steel bottle lets you drink water on the go, and converts to a dog bowl too!

     Meet the Messy Mutts Water Bottle/Bowl This a clever two-in-one gadget.

    The silicone bowl is attached to the bottle when it's not in use. But when you want to convert it to a water bowl for your pet it folds down for easy portability. With a press of the quick release button the bowl can be opened and filled with water. Afterwards the unused water can be drained back into the bottle and the bowl folds back up against the stainless steel bottle. Now I found that not 100% of the water goes back into the bottle. But you're most likely using this outdoors so you just shake the excess water on the nearest shrubs, or dirt. It's about $20. Available in four colors.

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    The Giz Wiz does a video show every week about unusual gadgets with OMGchad Johnson. It's been running for almost 13 years! See it here, or subscribe here:

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