Pet Gadgets I showed on World News Now
If you missed my Pet Gadgets spot on World News Now, it's here"
Ideal safety pet gadget for you and your dog. Made of high-quality, durable nylon and measuring 5 feet in length, the Nite Dawg LED Leash features a weather-resistant, enclosed switch that allows you to choose illumination modes (glow or flash). Its efficient LED has a life of about 100,000 hours, and a replaceable 100-hour battery is included. Secured to your dog's collar with its strong, rotating spring clip, this leash provides visibility through endless late-day, late-night, and early morning outings. (Doubly effective when paired with the Nite Dawg Collar.)
The Nite Dawg LED Collar features a bright red LED that illuminates fully around your dog's neck. It also has passive reflectivity striping for optimum visibility. The LED is visible up to 1000 ft, and can be set to glow or flash modes with the press of a button. Made of high quality nylon, this lightweight, durable collar is also highly water resistant for the water-bowl-splashers and the dogs who just can't resist jumping in every body of water they see. Also features easily replaceable batteries that can run for up to 100 hours at a time.
Prices start under $18.00 each and will depend on the size leash or collar you need:
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