Before kids play with this computer, they have to put it together. (But it's easy.)

The company says their Kano Computer Kit is a computer anyone can make. You build and code it yourself. It’s a fun way to make, play and express your creativity with technology. From what I saw, the kit indeed looks simple to build, especially with the easy-to-follow picture instruction book. I asked what ages Kano is for and they said it works especially well for children between the ages of 6 or 7 and about 12. Once all the plug-and-play pieces are connected, you have a mini computer and you can start to make music and artworks with code, even build stuff in Minecraft. They said it's also good for home and making documents, but you probably don't want to mention that to a kid. I asked about the language used by the Kano Computer and the spokesperson at the booth said it was based on the very popular Linux OS. Since the Kano has HDMI out, you can hook it to any monitor or screen with an HDMI input. But Kano make their own monitor which has a place on the back to hold booth the Kano computer and the included keyboard. It's AC powered. The computer is $149, and the build-it-yourself monitor kit is $149. But you can them together as a full kit for $270, so you save money bucks there.
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