"World's Stickiest Grab Pad"!

It’s easy to see why the Impact Gel Grab Pad is billed as the “world's stickiest grab pad.” Stand it straight up and stick a smart phone on it with no fear it will fall off. Works in extreme conditions and washes clean with soap and water. Great for many handheld devices, like phones and cameras and portable units, GPS devices and tablets. The company says it’s environmentally- friendly and non-toxic; made from soybean oil. The military-grade gel absorbs shock. It ideal for the car dashboard and I’m going to use one on my boat to hold things on the dash in rough water. It’s at stores like Bed, Bath & Beyond for $7.99, but the best deal seems to be at the company website where on 5/17/2014 it was selling for $5.99.
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