Gadgets From The 2014 National Hardware Show As Seen On World News Now.

Here my Hardware Show spot as it appeared on World News Now:
A Neat New Way To Stick Things To Other Things!
Glue Dots are great fun to use! They’re a mess-free, easy-to-use solution to everyday bonding needs.Glue Dots come in different strengths, sizes and formats. They require zero dry time before you use them. The company says that consumers have found endless uses for Glue Dots around the home, school, and office, from household decorating to science projects to quick repairs. The Glue Dot product line includes Craft Glue Dots, Mini Glue Dots, Micro Glue Dots, Ultra Thin Glue Dots, Pop Up Glue Dots, Removable Glue Dots, Permanent Glue Dots, Poster Glue Dots, XL Glue Dots, XXL Glue Dots and Glue Lines. There are even more unique product formats such as Glue Dots rolls, sheets and dispensers; both permanent and removable. A new refillable Desktop Dispenser is now available and that’s what I’m using in the video. Prices start at about $5.
Giz Wiz Glue Dots Video:
Company website:
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