Verilux says this CleanWave Wand can even eliminate 99.9 of viruses.

Safe at home. Or at least Safer!
Verilux says that required laboratory tests prove that the CleanWave UV-C eliminates up to 99.9% of viruses (including H1N1), bacteria, molds, dust mite and flea eggs from beds, upholstered furniture and other household surfaces. So you can have chemical-free sanitizing in minutes. Hypoallergenic sanitizing eliminates germs from surfaces that don’t tolerate chemicals such as mattresses, upholstery and electronics. This wand has a built-in LED count up timer. Each surface requires different amounts of time to kill germs via the UV-C light. A computer keyboard might require just 8 seconds, while a standard bed could take six minutes. But you don't need to carry a stopwatch. As you turn on this wand by holding the on button down for a few seconds, a count timer also starts. The hang tag and the instruction booklet give you the times needed for various surfaces. Since it's harmful to look into UV-C light, the unit as an automatic switch that turns the light off if you turn it to face up towards the face. And because it’s rechargeable, the wand is cordless, so once you charge it via the included AC cord, it’s easy to use anywhere around the house. The suggested retail prices is $89.99, but when I wrote this on November 22nd, it was on sale at the company website for $69.99. You can also do a web search on a shopping site like Amazon to see if there's even a lower price. There are many versions of this wand, including a travel version, but only this model - VH01WW4 - is said to eliminate H1N1 virus on surfaces.
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