What toy has been selling every year for the past 55 years?

For more than 55 years, the Etch A Sketch has been challenging kids to twist and turn their way to a masterpiece. To make a sketch, simply turn the vertical and horizontal drawing knobs and watch the line appear on the magnetic screen. To erase your doodle and start again, simply shake the toy. Bring it along on a car trip for mess-free fun in the backseat. Over 150 million Etch-A-Sketch units have been sold in those 55 years and it's still going strong. (Number of units sold ranges from 100 to 200 million, so I picked the middle ground, 150 million units in 55 years.) Ohio Art, the parent companys, says Etch-A-Sketch is great for kids ages 4 years and up. It’s available in several different sizes, colors, and prices, from about $10 to $30+, but it works the same it did as when it first came into the marketplace 55 years ago. It was invented in France. In the video I shot at Toy Fair 2015, you'll see Bryan Lee Madden, a professional artist, who makes a living doing Etch-A-Sketch portraits of people, pets and scenes. You'll even see me accidentally mess up one of his Etch-A-Sketch pictures. Very embarrassing, indeed!
Giz Wiz Video: http://youtu.be/XTWQBnte4Tw
Company website: http://www.ohioart.com/brands/etch-sketch
Bryan's website: http://bryanetch.blogspot.com/
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