A Clever Gadget For Under $20.

This is a neat little gadget. TwoHands II from Felix opens wide to hold small and large tablets, ereaders and even smart phone in landscape or portrait mode. By sliding TwoHands II up or down your device, it lets you find the angle that’s best for working or viewing. To avoid glare outside you might want an upright angle, for movie viewing or swiping through your cookbook, you might want a much more angled view. Whatever your need, just slide the two hands up or down as you watch the screen for the best angle. It’s available in many color options and black or white. The company, Felix, says it should work with just about any modern tablet out there that has a maximum dimension of 10.5" or less and is 3/8" or thinner. TwoHands II is under $25. You can find it on Amazon at the link below for under $20. And if you’re an Amazon Prime member, shipping is free.
Giz Wiz YouTube Video Demo: http://youtu.be/doq0dbBbji4
Company website:http://felixbrand.com/products/twohands
See or hear more about this on The Giz Wiz Show: www.twit.tv/giz1454
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