At last, you can stay connected to the egg tray in your refrigerator!

The second weekend of November 2013, Engadget produced a show at the Javits Convention Center called Expand. The theme was “Experience the Future of Technology”. Here area few gadgets and gizmos I discovered at that show.
The folks at Quirky have teamed up with GE to produced Nimbus, a highly customizable 4-dial dashboard that tracks what’s important to you. In one of the stranger displays at the show, there were four people in one bed. They each represented one of the personalized gauges of the Quirky Nimbus dashboard. The dashboard uses your mobile device to keep an array of info up-to-date and available at a glance. So you can wake up, look up and see your commute traffic conditions, the weather, your emails, calendar, social media networks, and more. You pick the four things you want to see on your four display Nimbus dashboard. It even works with Fitbit and other some products in the Quirky collection. They’re virtually interconnected via Link technology. Some of them are a bit strange, like Egg Minder. It keeps track of have many eggs you have in the special refrigerator tray. Porkfolio brings the old-fashioned piggy bank into the Internet age. You can track your balance and set financial goals from afar, or more likely use to get kids to save; the nose lights up every time a US coin inserted. And for security, an accelerator detects movement that might mean theft. Quirky’s famous Pivot Power, a bendy power strip that twists and bends to accommodate bulky adapters has been retooled into Pivot Power Genius. It uses an app to independently control each outlet from a mobile device. A high-power USB outlet and four AC outlets are available in the new Wink unit. Price: $79.99. The fourth Wink product is called the Spotter. It’s a sensor pack that measures temperature, humidity, vibration, light or sound. It can be programmed to send scheduled updates on the status of whatever room you've left it in, to your mobile device. It sells for $49.99. Compatibility: iOS 6 and above, iPhone 4 and above, and Android phones/tablets with OS 2.2 or higher. The main Nimbus Dashboard is $129.99. It will be available later this month at Quirky, ThinkGeek and some other high end retailers. Other link devices will be added as time goes on.
Here’s how Nimbus works:
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