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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    One Have One Remote Control Toy, When You Can Have Two!

    I saw it in action at Toy Fair 2012, and now Spin Master’s Battle Tracker can see action in your home in the next month or so. (Assuming you buy one!) This is not one, but two remote control toys in one exciting package. The all-newAir Hogs Battle Tracker offers head-to-head interactive combat for one or two players. There's a Remote Control Disc-Launching Helicopter that can be tracked by A.R.T, the Automated Robotic Turret. That’s means, as you have to fly your helicopter you have to prepare for evasive maneuvers. Because if you don't dodge the (soft) missiles aimed at you, you'll be knocked right out of the sky. (Well, the sky in living room.) Once you get some practice commanding the helicopter, you can fire back and disable the A.R.T before it gets you first! There's auto mode for a single player. That's where you fly the helicopter as the A.R.T tracks your every move with its advanced intelligence tracking system! In 2-Player manual mode one person handles the helicopter and the uses the A.R.T remote control. Both the A.R.T and Disk Shooting Helicopter can be controlled independently. Battle them against other Air Hogs vehicles and become the ultimate battle-ready sharpshooter.Air Hogs Battle Tracker is recommended for ages 8+. It uses 6 AA batteries which are not included. MSRP $99.99. It should start shipping in September.

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      Very good Webpage, Preserve the beneficial job. Thanks a lot!
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      Response: Reachout Wireless
      Giz Wiz Biz - Tech Guy Labs - One Have One Remote Control Toy, When You Can Have Two!
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      Response: Reachout Wireless
      Giz Wiz Biz - Tech Guy Labs - One Have One Remote Control Toy, When You Can Have Two!

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