Easier Water Control at your faucet saves 90% more water
www.One2tap.com is a new device --- coming a month or two that will save you a lot of water!
Total flow control faucet adaptors let you easily determine just the right amount of water you need at the bathroom sink. A simple lever activates a valve that releases the water and stops it again with a simple touch. So easy a child can control it, so durable it meets all plumbing codes. The choice is simple. Let the water run or tap a lever. One2tap. The One2tap valve and lever are manufactured with an anti-microbial agent to ensure against cross-contamination with the sink faucets. Because the faucet handles of the sink are left in the “on” position at the desired temperature, there is no need to touch them again. Simply tapping the anti-microbial impregnated lever runs the water only when you need it. There’s no longer cross-contamination from one person to the next at the handle. It's simple to install. Just remove the aerator & replace it with the one that’s built into this device. Because the One2tap fits most faucets it allows children, the elderly, anyone with arthritis or the disabled the freedom to wash their hands, brush their teeth, or shave on their own. It works in schools, RV’s, boats, hospitals, and nursing homes.
Plastic version about $15… Chrome About $35 - $40 Out in May or June!
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