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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « Here's The New Sept/Oct 2021 "What The Heck Is It?" Gadget! | Main | Cute, Clever, and 'It Might Be That' Answers That Won »

    So What The Heck Was The July/August "What The Heck Is It? Gadget?

    Once again lots of people knew what it was. Or sort of what it was. We picked the 6 winning answers closest to what the WTHII gadget is. It's the CanPump Fizz-Keeper, designed to keep canned drinks from going flat. It won't work on a bottle, just a soda can. Pumping the top after you lock it on the can is supposed to add fizz to the remaining drink. Available in colors.

    The winners are:

    It is a top for an open soda can. You press the top to put air in the can to keep in the fizz. Tommy Grey


    Fizz Keeper Can Pump. It repressurizes a can of soda. Keeps soda fresh for weeks. Brandon Hanke


    It’s a closable can lid to keep an open soda can from losing its fizz. Sent from Pat’s iPhone


    Device that fits on top a soda can. The green is a button that you press several times to pump out the air in the can. — PizzaGew,


    The green top can be used to pump in some pressure to preserve the gizfizz. Dave Rivera


    A lid for aluminum cans with pop top. Clamps top rim of can and you push lid down to latch and seal. Bob Guthrie


    See 'how to get your MAD magazine' below, at the bottom of the 'cute, clever, could be' winners.

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