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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « What? There were NO winners with the right answer for the March/April WTHII Game! | Main | Here's The New March/April 2021 "What The Heck Is It?" Gadget! »

    Cute, clever, weird, 'could be' answers

    Since there were no winners with the correct answer, we are giving away 18 autographed copies of June 2021 MAD (instead of 12) to those with cute, clever, weird, 'could be' answers. Here are those winners:

    More than two dozen spacecraft answers: We picked two at random:

    The early prototype of the Mars rover. Deborah Ann Stressner


    Mini-me of the Perseverance Rover. Erick Rivera M.


    There were more than dozen tripod answers, we picked one at random:


    It's a tripod mount for a camera. Bryon J. Hammer


    About a dozen 'bike bell' answers. We picked one at random:


    Could it possibly be a bicycle bell? Ron K. Levy


    Other cute, clever, 'could be that' answers we liked:


    It is a laser light show for a party of one during quarantine! Steve Morton


    That’s an embosser press; it’s used to create a raised seal on paper. Carole Marciano


    Optical stabilizer for photographic applications. Bill Chambers


    This is an outboard motor for beavers when they build a dam. Skullman


    New and improved, eye ball polishing orbital buffer. Gus


    Its a genuine, Rotating, Automatic Tiddlywink Flipper. Ray Olson


    High-end rechargeable sander. Dan Steinbrocker


    Time machine for a hamster. Ben from omaha Nebraska


    Coin flipper, for when you need to make a decision but don't want the responsibility of flipping the coin yourself. Chris Durkin


    Pet Turtle Locator Beacon. Mount in top of turtle's shell. When he runs off, the strobe light and siren alert you to his location. Chris from Jacksonville, FL


    Marble polisher. Put your marble on top and watch it get polished. Bruce Crabtree


    An LED laser level, with a special mounting bracket. -Andrew


    Appliance lifter. Front is a pedal. Step on it and it lifts your refrigerator so you can reach your cats toy. Trina


    R2D2’s step brother, I8B4. Greg Hampton


    Your dog uses this for dispensing vitamins. He puts his paw on the pedal to get the nutrition he needs. Marty


    WINNERS (Who live in the U.S.) get the June 2021 issue of MAD. (Wow, I have 13 pages of material in that issue.) Even though MAD moved to LA in December 2017 I'm continuing the WTHII game and sending out MAD magazines to winners since so many people say they love to play it. I pay the postage so winners of MAD magazine are for US addresses only. If you win and live in the US, email me your full name & address and put MAD WINNER in the subject so I can pick it out easily. I'll autograph your MAD with your first name & my name unless you specify "Dick's name only". If you'd rather have one of those 38+ year old Alfred E. Neuman pictures, instead of February MAD, put "SEND ALFRED PIC NOT MAD" in the subject line. Soon, they will be no more of those either. The remaining Alfred E pics were shipped to MAD in LA. If you won more than once using different names, please just ask for one MAD. If you live anywhere outside of the US email me with WINNER in the subject line and I'll autograph an Alfred E. Neuman photo to you, scan it & email it to you. You can print it out & no one should know the difference. (I've done it quite a few times already and people say the photo looks great.)

    Email me at 

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