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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « Winners of the March/April game with the right answers. | Main | Here is the new March/April "What The Heck Is It?" Game. »

    Winner with Clever, Cute, Could Be Answers. 

    Since there were only 3 winners with the right answer we picked 15 'wrong answers' instead of just 12.

    There were a lot of telegraph answers. We picked two at random:

    Telegraph for toe tappers - -Chad Masters

    It is a telegraph key. Used by a telegraph operator for tapping Morse Code. Bryon J. Hammer

    A lot of shoe/boot/sock answers: We picked a few at random:

    That’s a bench from a shoe store used during the days when a salesman actually fitted your shoes for you. Carole Marciano

    That's a boot puller offer. It helps you get your cowboy boots off. Karl Phoenix, AZ

    I think it is a “shoe shine salesman sample”. Jeffrey Slomovitz.

    A sock installer - Joe J.

    Other winning answers:

    It is a STAPLER for Legos. Ward Bissey

    Plastic grocery bag holder. Mo

    Connector that is fastened to the wall so you can hook your belt on the u clip. Jim Holloway

    That is Frank Lloyd Wright's first and last attempt at designing a stapler. -- John Hattan

    I think this is a workout bench for a hamster. Tim Stites

    It’s a tablecloth clamp to keep tablecloth from blowing away on a picnic. Tami Maloney

    Gutter Clip for lights. Troy Sica

    Diving board for your pet rat to use in his bird bath swimming pool... Jay

    A device to aid in hanging pictures at the right level. Ralph

    WINNERS (Who live in the U.S.) get the June 2020 issue of MAD. It contains some new material while the rest of the issue is filled with MAD favorites of the past. My "Disco Clap" song lyrics are in that issue. They were in a MAD Disco Special, never in regular MAD. Music was by Norm Blagman. (Sorry the old floppy record was not able to be included in this issue. Even though MAD moved to LA in December 2017 I'm continuing the WTHII game and sending out MAD magazines to winners since so many people say they love to play it. MAD's 'cheap' so winners of MAD magazine are for US addresses only. If you win and live in the US, email me your full name & address and put MAD WINNER in the subject so I can pick it out easily. I'll autograph your MAD with your first name & my name unless you specify "Dick's name only". If you'd rather have one of those 38+ year old Alfred E. Neuman pictures, instead of April MAD, put "SEND ALFRED PIC NOT MAD" in the subject line. Soon, they will be no more of those either. The remaining Alfred E pics were shipped to MAD in LA. If you won more than once using different names, please just ask for one MAD. If you live anywhere outside of the US email me with WINNER in the subject line and I'll autograph an Alfred E. Neuman photo to you, scan it & email it to you. You can print it out & no one should know the difference. (I've done it quite a few times already and people say it looks fine.) Email me at

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