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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « Here's The New March April "What The Heck Is It?" Game. | Main | Clever, Cute, Could Be Winning Answers: »

    Winners we picked who had the correct answer are ----  

    Lots of folks had the right answer because, yes, I used this a gadget on the show about 8 years ago. I thought showing it upside down might fool everyone, but I was wrong. Here's are the 6 winners picked at random.  (Amazingly, it's still on Amazon 8 years later for under $11.00! 

    Winners with the right answer:

    I could have sworn that when you showed the instant water fountain on the show it was blue. I don't think you should be drinking out of it if it has changed colors like that. Dan Wakerhauser


    It's the Tapi Drinking Fountain. You put it on the end of the spout of a faucet. You pinch the opening and water comes out of the top to drink out of. Brandon Hanke


    Jean-Claude Pirrello - Is it a faucet water diverted. It turns the faucet into a drinking fountain, of sorts.


    It's a faucet drinking fountain attachment. I suspect EVERYONE will get this one, as I think you had it on the show once. J. Bryan Holzhey -


    It is a rubber device that fits over your sick faucet to turn it into a drinking fountain. You squeeze the bottom and water flow though the top. Badmoon


    I think (because I remember it being so cool at the time) it's Tapi, the personal squeeze-to-drink water fountain attachment for faucets. JC


    Winners above, see how to claim your MAD below the Cute, Silly, Could Be answers. 

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