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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « Winners of the July/August 'WTHII game' with the correct answer. | Main | Here's the new Juy/Aug 2017 "What The Heck Is It?" Game. And the Winners of the May/June game! »

    Winners above and below will receive September/October 2017 MAD.

    Silly, Clever, Could-be Answers:

    It is a mouth guard form people who grind their teeth while they sleep. Bryon J. Hammer


    Sports mouth protector complete with holes to run helmet's chin strap slots through. Dan Steinbrocker


    Turn the pic on its side and you have a glow in the dark hermit crab! Beckee


    I say it's a hair clip from the Starship Enterprise: USS GizWiz - Mark Horton


    It is the newest star wars fighter, The Jellyfish Wing. (A stealth fighter) Jim Woodiwiss


    It's a mustache curler/ straightener!! Comes in handy, don't it? Avengertom!


    One of those new LED boat cleats for tying up your boat in the dark. Widely used in Japan, but new to the USA. Tom Babich


    It's a headphone cable organizer thingy. -Vesa


    Hula Hoop tuner – insert hoop and wait for optimization. Scott Williams


    Obviously it is an upper denture for Plastic Man or was it Plastic Sam from Mad #14. Dave Folkner


    This device sits inside your cookie jar. Any unauthorized cookie-nappers will be greeted with an alarm and optional squirt of the liquid of your choice. Dan Wakerhauser


    This is a retainer for someone with really bad teeth!!! Skullman


    This is the small recording device that the Russian Kaveladze put under Trump jrs desk when the mysterious 8 met in 2016. Glen w


    LED Banshee Jumping Spider...just press the suction cup to any smooth surface and seconds later your spider will light up and jump across the room. Hours of fun! graycat98


    Electronic mustache cleaner/shaper/presser. Diana in Yankee Land


    It is clearly an athletic mouth guard for horses to wear during full contact polo matches. Tyler Kiefer


    "Blinkers for your face" night running safety item: bite the side you want to turn next, cars will get out of your way. Eric


    My answer is "a hat stand for the flying nun" Simon


    It's clearly a set of dentures with handles on the side to assist with biting through tough food items or opening beer cans with your teeth Craig


    It's a B.S. detector if your spouse tells an untruth they get lit up like a Christmas tree!

    Shayne dudley


    It's the new Google Mouthpiece. You'll literally have all the answers on the tip of your tongue.



    It's a headlight that snaps on to the front of your shopping cart. Dave Martel


    It is the light inside a kids shoe Mark


    You put your fingers in the slot, and it lights up if you’re still alive! Nick T.


    CONGRATULATIONS WINNERS! If you won more than once, please just ask for one autographed MAD. Yes, we know some enter several times under different names. :) Email me your full name & address - (US/Canada only - otherwise email me & OMGchad & I will give you a shout-out on The Giz Wiz Show). I'll autograph your MAD with your first name & my name unless you specify Dick's name only.  Please put MAD WINNER in the subject line, so I can pick it out quickly. Thanks!!! Dick De, The Giz Wiz & MAD's Maddest Writer. Email me     

    Don't forget to go back to the top of this page to play the November/December 2017 WTHII game. And be sure to sign your entry with a name, initials, something - or it won't be counted. About two dozen people didn't sign their entries in this last game, so please do! 

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