After the question "are you related to the Dick DeBartolo whose name appears on the Match Game credits?", the second most asked question is:

Do you get residuals from those endless reruns of theold Match Game shows?
Well the answer is technically "yes". I got residuals just once. When the shows first went over to the Game Show Network I got two checks. I remember hearing that some money would be forth coming. When the checks arrived I thought: "Wow, this is going to be like found money!" But it wasn't quite that way. One check was for $1.12. Yep, $1.12! I thought that might at least be a weekly event, but it turned out to be the ONLY check I ever got for Match Game re-runs!
I also worked on Family Feud, writing questions. Family Feud was really a spin-off from the "audience match" part of the Match Game. (Family Feud was another Mark Goodson-Bill Todman Production. I didn't work quite so many years on Family Feud so my check for reruns of that show was only $.28. Yes, twenty-eight cents!
As you can image, I never cashed them. They were worth more as something to show friends 'my windfall', so they remain uncashed more than 10 years later. Not like they could be cashed now anyway.
It was fun writing the Match Game all those years, but it would have been much more fun today if Ihad I gotten just a bit more from the re-runs, the DVD's, the video games, the foreign editions of Match Game and all the other Match Game stuff. Oh, well, what the ______!