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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    Episode 1002

    Mama Laporte
    Mama Laporte is no stranger to TWiTLive.  She has appeared on it before by doing an audition for Leo (advertising for brain toniq) - see photo in Episode 633, and recently appeared on This Week In Tech Episode 225.

    Mama Laporte can more than hold her own.  For one thing, she actually has the gadget ready to show on the air, unlike her son most of the time.  She's effervescent and irrepressible once she gets on air; loves the camera and has quite a turn of phrase, regaling us with stories about the Collyer Brothers (see Episode 245), Fibber McGee and James Stewart - we know where Leo got his talking genes from.

    Before the recording of this show starts, Dick, Leo and Mama Laporte have a little chat.  Video courtesy of Team ODTV at

    Mary's Gadget Closet
    Mama Laporte has a closet full of useless gadgets - from Leo.  That should be quite a match for Dick's Gadget Warehouse.

    Men From UNCLE
    Opher Banarie heard Dick and Leo talk about The Man From Uncle the other day, and has some interesting trivia to share.  Some time ago, he bought the complete series on DVD and saw in one of the episodes guest appearances by William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy.  A couple of months later, Shatner was on a book tour of his autobiography and was at a local radio talk show.  Opher called in and asked Shatner about that episode.  Apparently they never got to meet at that time and it wasn't until the casting process for Star Trek that they first met.

    The Man From UNCLE - Complete Series on DVD

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