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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « Episode 929 | Main | Episode 927 »

    Episode 928
    Another website for printing your book on demand is

    Dick's Upcoming Book
    No kidding, Dick is writing a new book.  Nothing to do with MAD this time.  It's going to be called "The 327 Most Memorable People I Ever Met", featuring famous people such as Gregory Peck and even Leo Laporte.

    The Other DeBartolo
    Edward DeBartolo is the largest owner of shopping malls in the world (or the States).  He is not Dick's father, though not for want of trying Dick's part.  Here Dick reprises the story he first told in Episode 34.

    Dead or Alive
    The report by Leo of Arte Johnson's death is very interesting, not very funny, and greatly exaggerated.  The recently deceased cast member of Laugh-In that Leo has in mind may be Henry Gibson, who died on 14 September 2009.

    Slinging over to Roku
    When the Roku (Episode 922) first came out, Leo asked them for a review sample.  The reply was they had already sent one to the gadget reviewer on Leo’s radio show, and wouldn’t send one to Leo.  When Leo learned that Brian Jacquet had left Sling Media to work for Roku, Leo wrote to Brian that he was glad Brian was now in charge.

    The day after Dick and Leo talked about the Roku, Dick ran into Brian Jacquet in a “Christmas in September” event.  Brian told Dick he had moved to Roku, and Dick told Brian that Leo had just talked about the Roku the previous day.

    The Reverend Steve Miller's Roku
    Regular correspondent and gadget hound Steve Miller has had the Roku since its introduction.  (Are there any gadgets Steve hasn’t bought yet?)  His wife watches Murder, She Wrote (see Episode 919) on Netflix using Roku and they watch a number of BCC shows, but unfortunately the Best of Match Game is not available for streaming.

    Steve has also decided to follow Leo’s example to become an ordained minister through
    Universal Life Church (see Episode 916).  He should be addressed as the Reverend Steve Miller from now on.

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