Episode 858
SmartSwipe Security
According to NetSure Technologies, which makes SmartSwipe, although traditional SSL encrypts the data in transit from your computer to the secure server of the e-commerce site, hackers may still be able to access the information while it's on your computer or its memory before the data is encrypted. SmartSwipe uses a technology which they call Dynamic SSL, that interacts with traditional SSL. It encrypts the data at the SmartSwipe hardware itself and initiates the SSL key negotiation from SmartSwipe (and not from the personal computer), so that the encryption is extended further back to the earlier point in time when the information is read from the credit card. SmartSwipe works only on Windows XP and Vista and only on Internet Explorer. If you're interested in the security side of the technology, you may want to read up on NetSecure's documentation on Dynamic SSL to see if the claims of security are made out. Dell is now selling it as an accessory.
Squirrel iPhone Credit Card Swiper
Rumour has it that Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey is going to make an iPhone hardware and software solution, codename Squirrel, for accepting credit card payment on a card swiper connected to the iPhone. Here's the TechCrunch article.
Waterproof Housing for the Canon 50D
Alessandro Abate is taking his Canon EOS 50D and a 300mm lens on an Alaska cruise to celebrate with his wife their 25th wedding anniversary. He wonders if Leo can recommend a waterproof housing for his cherished camera while kayaking. If he doesn't need to take photos while kayaking, Leo suggests a waterproof cinch bag, but if he wants to shoot through the protective cover, it's going to cost him.
Warnings from Sandrino
If Leo is going to name his autobiography "Just One More Podcast" (see Episode 812), Sandrino's wife, who is an attorney, is ready to collect their share of the royalties. Also, his daughter has just been accepted into the San Francisco Institute of Art and they may pay a visit to the TWiT Cottage while in the neighbourhood. Leo will be ready with his TWiT Mat.
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