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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « Episode 966 | Main | Episode 964 »

    Episode 965

    Oh, Brother!
    Dane's brother Jay Golden, of Gorilla in the Greenhouse, who appeared in Jumping Monkeys Episode 49, was the first Skype video guest on any TWiT Network podcasts.  He's in the TWiT Studio during the recording session.  Jay's mother-in-law is an avid MAD fan, and has the entire collection of MAD magazines.

    Fixing the Market
    Listener John found that the latest Daily Giz Wiz shows were not showing up on the Zune Marketplace.  He emailed about it to Dick, who forwarded it to Dane Golden, and it had been fixed by the time John checked again an hour later.  John hopes that the Daily Giz Wiz will go on to 7 digits, and by the one-millionth episode, they can do the Hover Spork.

    A New Convention for Files Names of TWiT Shows
    The problem at the Zune Marketplace was possibly due to TWiT's new file naming system.  The file name for any DGW show (starting with Episode 956) is now dgwnnnn, with 4 digits (such as dgw0965) in anticipation of Episode 1000 and beyond.  The change has been implemented across the board for all of TWiT's shows.

    Episode 1000 - Change of Plan
    Dick and Leo have planned for a while now doing Episode 1000 live at CES 2010.  That was on the basis that they will take a week off before then.  Now that Santa Ford has arrived early with Ford SYNC, they won't be taking a break, and they won't be doing Episode 1000 at CES, but maybe Episode 1005.

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