8th Annual Giz Wiz Meet-Up - Sunday, October 21, 2018 - 2 to 4:30 PM. -- Live! at the Gizneyland Studio

Friends, Fun, Match Game questions, lots of cheap, crappy prizes too! Maybe some expensive ones too.
Since so many people asked to see the revamped Gizneyland studio, we thought we'd just have the meet-up there this year. Chad will be in his Giz Wiz Studio in Dallas, Texas and we'll do part of the meet-up 'live' via YouTube & GizWiz.TV for all those who can't make it in person! We'll post the time of the virtual party when we get closer to the meet-up date! Our chatroom will also be open so you can watch and comment. We hope to have at least one person at the party monitoring the chatroom at all during the show.
If the weather is good, we'll also use the backyard where you can see the Gizneyland Railroad running. And meet Charlie and Dennis in person too!
Of course it's all free, but we'd like to know if you're coming so we can save the proper amount of space. Just send an email to gizwizshow@gmail.com and put "Meet-Up" in the subject line. If you're bringing guests, "Meet-Up +1, 2" or whatever number of guests. Hope to see you there.
So live or in-person, we hope to "see" you on October 21st, 2018!
Here's a photo (via Joe Bolanos) of last year's meet-up. Now you can see why we want to move it out of the sight of other people.
Part of the new Gizneyland studio! You'll also see Dick's
Wall Of Fame, Dick's Gadget Warehouse Shelves & more!
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