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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « Last gas-up of the 2017 boating season. | Main | A great summer night in August, 2017 »

    7th Annual Meet-Up - Sunday, October 8th, 2017 - 2 to 4 PM. & If you've never seen Gizneyland Studio, we'll make a stop there after the meet-up!

    OMGChad is flying in from Dallas to attend so it will be a super meet-up!!! It's at the same great place as all the other meet-ups, 

    Friends, Fun, Match Game questions, some cheap, crappy prizes too! It's all free, but we'd like to know if you're coming so we can save the proper amount of space. Just send an email to and put "Meet-Up" in the subject line. If you're bringing guests, "Meet-Up +2" or whatever number of guests. Hope to see you there. Come early and treat yourself to breakfast, or stay late and treat yourself to dinner. Food is great and priced right. Menus are on the Boat Basin Cafe website. Great location too, overlooking the Hudson River. (And my little work boat is right there in the Hudson River too.) Below are photos from the 2017 meet-up & the 2014 meet-up.

    Thanks to Joe Bolanos for the great photo. Who knew so many people would grow mustaches for the event!

    One meet-up happened to fall on my birthday. Long time Giz Wiz fan Beckee was kind enough to bring Kazoos for all, so I had my own 'Kazoo Band' Happy Birthday. It's at the link below. Don't worry, it just lasts one minute!

    TWiT's (and Giz Fiz PM director) Alex Gumpel (red jacket back row right) has come in for two of the meet-ups. Will he be there for the 2017 meet-up? Hmmm.... Come and be surprised with the rest of us.

    The Kazoo Birthday Song:

    Hope you can make it October 8th, 2017. 

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