About to foul up the mails and smell up your local newstand.

MAD 512! December, 2011 Issue.
In this issue there's a full-length spoof of The Walking Dead, but you may have guessed that from Alfred's fans feasting on his body. Sergio offers a MAD Look at the Apocalypse, and Al Jaffee serves up another Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions! If you're into all things "green" you can cut out and hang up my Recycling Poster. (Then you'll have to pick up another issue to replace the one you just ruined by cutting out the poster!) Most of the other regular features are in there too. The Fundalini Pages, The MAD Strip Club, Planet Tad, Spy vs. Spy, and the MAD Fold-In. But wait, there's more! A special 2012 MAD Calendar! Yep, something else to tear out and ruin another issue!
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